
The SilverStar devices installed on all the milk collection tankers use GPS AVL technology combined with premier mapping to provide real-time locations and record historical vehicle activity. The user-friendly reporting features of gives fleet managers at Amul the control they need to manage daily milk collection operations.

  • The fleet manager now deploys tankers with greater speed and efficiency, and accurately predicts arrival times or delays.
  • Location Reports, Activity Reports and Work Hours Reports provide control over routes and collections.
  • Detailed real time vehicle monitoringwith accurate start/ stop times,and idling/extended stop times form important monitoring tools.
  • Managers see at a glance where their tankers are at all times, thus reducing dependence of mobile phone with erratic connectivity.
  • Managers select and view any problematic tanker, or their entire fleet, or see if the tanker is moving at the optimum speed, or see if it is idling, etc.
  • Managers map the shortest route and ensure that the tanker stays on its predetermined route, saving time and fuel.
  • Managers monitor all unauthorized stops made by the driver and view the duration/location of those stops.
  • Mangers generate collection reports for each tanker and transporter to monitor their overall collection performance.